Transport refrigeration

Large containers working as chillers or freezers are used to transport food or other temperature sensitive merchandise. The low temperature is obtained by utilizing the refrigerant cycle to chill the air inside the container. By doing so the lifetime of e.g. food is greatly extended.

Refrigeration systems for transport

There are two kinds of transport involved:

  • Marine container
  • Truck and trailer

In these refrigerated systems, the main challenge is the units' large operational envelope. The required temperature is normally between +7 °C and -24 °C. Applications identified for our products are:

  • Economizer
  • Suction gas heat exchanger

Increased efficiency

By installing these brazed plate heat exchangers, the efficiency of the system can be increased which also justifies the additional circuit complexity. SWEP products are tested and designed for various refrigerants used in these systems such as R134a, R513a, R452a, R744 and R290.